Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mr. Rene Obermann at Facing Tomorrow 2011

Mr. Rene Obermann at Facing Tomorrow 2011 Tube. Duration : 9.83 Mins.

The New Media MakingTomorrow Date: Thursday June 23rd , 2011 -- 09:30-11:00 The new media has a significantly influential in the consolidation of a new tomorrow. The geopolitical effects of new media were evident when the masses surprisingly took to the streets -- from Cairo to Tehran - using new technologies to trigger change. Some governments consider the new media a threat to their stability and attempt to curb the use of media tools while simultaneously using those tools to attack their oppositions. At the same time we are amidst a thrilling debate: are the Internet and new media making us smarter or simplifying our thought process? Are we becoming more or less social? How do the creators of new media relate to the way in which their product is changing world orders? Do they develop neutral platforms or are they led by social agendas? What are the new technologies currently being developed to be available for our use tomorrow? Moderator: Dr. Yossi Vardi, Israel Former Director-General, Ministries of Development and Energy; Former Chairman, Israel Chemicals; Former Chairman, Israel National Oil Company; Chairman Emeritus, Jerusalem Foundation; entrepreneur in Israel; over 40 years' experience co-founding, leading and helping build over 70 high-tech companies; Recipient TechCrunch Europe (2009); Twice Recipient, Prime Minister's Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to the development of the high tech industry in Israel Participants: Part One: "The Future of ...

Keywords: rene, obermanהמדיה, החדשה, העושה, את, המחר, מליאה, Computer, Presidential, Conf

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